Terms of Use


This website, mytravel.biz, has been created and is used and exploited by the Company TWIN NET Information Systems Ltd, established and operated under Greek law, based in Athens, Mesogion Av. 452, 999291340 VAT / Tax Office Halandri, which has received the MITE Operator License 0259Ε60000501901 from the Hellenic Tourism Organization, and is represented for this purpose by Mr. Dimitri Douka, hereinafter referred to as «TWIN NET». 

TWIN NET is the sole owner and beneficiary of the content provided in mytravel.biz, having obtained the necessary permission for the use of the information it posts on it from the respective licensors. 

 TWIN NET acts solely as an intermediary for bookings presented and served through mytravel.biz  and provided by the Third Party Provider. This transaction is made in accordance with the terms and conditions that the Third Party Provider formulates and communicates to the users of the tourist goods it provides.

Notification and Acceptance of General Terms and Conditions

The access and use of the information provided by TWIN NET and the third party providers through mytravel.biz implies the prior knowledge and unconditional acceptance, by the end user, of these terms and conditions as well as those of the third party providersTWIN NET reserves the right to modify the present terms unilaterally without prior notification to the end users. The latest (current) version of these terms shall be the one found on mytravel.biz.

For this reason, users should always read the terms carefully before they receive or use any of the services or products provided through mytravel.biz, and re-accept the modified terms. Users should read about the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the services (or products) provided by third party providers through mytravel.biz. The knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions is the responsibility of the end-user, who must read about and accept them according to the procedures of the third party providersTWIN NET assumes no responsibility and takes no action through mytravel.biz to ensure the acceptance, by the end-user, of the third party providers ' terms and conditions.

If for any reason someone does not accept one or more of these terms or conditions or the terms and conditions set by the third party providers , then he or she should refrain from the access and use of the services (and products) provided by mytravel.biz, In any other case it is assumed that all these terms and conditions are unconditionally accepted by the end user.

Refusal of any of the above terms or conditions will lead to the failure of any transaction requested by the end-user through this site.

Conditions of Access and Use

The electronic services provided by TWIN NET are available through this website, mytravel.biz.

Users of the services provided through mytravel.biz must be over 18 years of age, have legal capacity and, in the event that they act on behalf of third parties, be duly authorized in this regard. In order for mytravel.biz to successfully provide services, it may be necessary for the user to provide some personal information and data. This data or information may need to be shared with third party providers in order for the user to receive their products and services.

For this reason, each user of the services provided through mytravel.biz gives TWIN NET his/her unconditional permission to collect, use and deliver this information to the third party providers in order to successfully complete a transaction. Of course, this usage will comply with the terms of the confidentiality agreement defined later in this document. If anyone does not accept the above stated terms for the collection, use, processing and / or transmission of his/her personal information, then he/she should stop and refrain from using the mytravel.biz services. Otherwise, it is assumed that the aforementioned and stated terms and conditions are unconditionally accepted by the user.

Contact Information

The most efficient and reliable means of communication between mytravel.biz users and TWIN NET is electronic mail. Therefore, users should be sure to provide their correct email addresses for personal contact. It is also important for users to correctly specify their mobile phone numbers, since part of the communicated information is sent via SMS.

If TWIN NET needs to send hard copies of documents to its users, these documents will be sent by surface mail to the postal address indicated by the user. Users can contact TWIN NET’s help desk, either by e-mail at info@mytravel.biz, or by phone (telephone number: +

The manner and means of communication between users and third party providers is determined by the third party providers in accordance with their contact terms. Please note that a user's disclosure of false and/or inaccurate contact data can lead to failure and / or refusal to provide the selected service / goods and / or block that user from the use of mytravel.biz and / or services of TWIN NET and / or third party providers . In such a case, the user will nevertheless have the responsibility to pay for the requested services and may be liable for additional charges. In order for mytravel.biz to successfully provide services, it may be necessary for the user to provide some personal information and data.

This data or information may need to be shared with third party providers in order for the user to receive their products and services. For this reason, each user of the services provided through mytravel.biz gives TWIN NET his/her unconditional permission to collect, use and deliver this information to the third party providers in order to successfully complete a transaction. Of course, this usage will comply with the terms of the confidentiality agreement defined later in this document. If anyone does not accept the above stated terms for the collection, use, processing and / or transmission of his/her personal information, then he/she should stop and refrain from using the mytravel.biz services. Otherwise, it is assumed that the aforementioned and stated terms and conditions are unconditionally accepted by the user.

Confidentiality Agreement - Security of Transactions

All information supplied by the user is considered confidential, and we take all the necessary measures in order to use them only to the extent which is necessary to successfully deliver the requested services. Moreover, our services strictly follow the Greek Directive for electronic consent, as this directive is stated under Article 11 of Law 3471/2006 (the Authority for Personal Data Protection) regarding messages sent to users which are not required to complete a transaction, such as suggested offers or newsletters. In order for mytravel.biz to successfully provide services, it may be necessary for the user to provide some personal information and data.

This data or information may need to be shared with third party providers in order for the user to receive their products and services. Of course, this usage will comply with the terms of the confidentiality agreement defined elsewhere in this document.

If anyone does not agree to the above stated terms for the collection, use, processing and / or transmission of his/her personal information, then he/she should stop and refrain from using the mytravel.biz services. Otherwise, it is assumed that the aforementioned and stated terms and conditions are unconditionally accepted by that user. At any time, any user may request information about any of his/her personal data that may be held by TWIN NET, as well as the recipients of this information and the purpose of maintaining and processing it.

At any time, users may request the modification, correction or deletion of this information by sending an e-mail to info@mytravel.biz from their initially declared email address, attaching a photocopy of their legal ID. The collection, maintenance, processing and transfer of users’ personal data by TWIN NET through mytravel.biz takes place in accordance with the applicable rules on personal data protection according to Law 2472/1997 and Law 3471/2006. TWIN NET allows access to users' personal data only to authorized persons who require access and only in order to enable the successful completion of users’ requested transactions.

In this context, TWIN NET reserves the right to grant access and / or the right to use and process your personal data to a third party responsible for carrying out the specific requested transaction or part of it. The protection of users’ personal data by third party providers occurs in accordance with their respective policies, and TWIN NET assumes no responsibility therein. TWIN NET reserves the right to use the information provided by users in a way that will not disclose the identification or personal data of any person involved, for statistical, promotional, or marketing research purposes, disclosing it to the third parties performing such activities.

Office Hours – Customer Service

The official working hours of the TWIN NET headquarters and its customer service helpdesk are Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 pm

Online Customer service via e-mail can be done on all days of the week, from Monday to Sunday 9.00 am - 00.00 am.

Any request for support (via e-mail or by telephone) which is submitted outside the aforementioned hours will be attended to on the next working day after the date of its receipt.

General Terms

TWIN NET reserves the right to amend these terms unilaterally.

Non-acceptance of these terms or their violation, in whole or in part, gives TWIN NET the right to refuse its services to the offending user and / or to block his/her access to mytravel.biz and the services and products provided through it.

The trade relations between users and TWIN NET are governed by and construed in accordance with Greek law, and the courts of Athens are solely responsible for the resolution of any dispute concerning these relations.

European Regional Development Fund