
TWIN NET does not guarantee the accuracy, precision, or clarity of the information published on mytravel.biz, including prices and availability of the services or goods provided by third party providers. On mytravel.biz, TWIN NET simply reproduces the information provided by third party providers and cannot check or verify its accuracy. For this reason, Twin Net assumes no responsibility for, but maintains the right to make, corrections, updates and / or any other changes to this information without compensation to users, if requested by the third party providers of this information. This can take place even if these changes may affect pending active reservations.

TWIN NET does not warrant or assume any liability in connection with the alleged availability of the services/goods provided by third party providers , since it just displays this information on mytravel.biz, as this information is communicated to Twin Net by third party providers

Twin Net does not warrant or assume any responsibility for the adequacy, appropriateness, or availability of the services or goods provided by third party providers . Furthermore, TWIN NET does not warrant or assume any responsibility for any acts or omissions caused by third party providers which may cause claims, and / or their provision or failure to provide services or goods to users in the context of their cooperative agreement with TWIN NET. In any case, TWIN NET bears no liability to users or any third party for any direct or indirect damages, lost profits, loss of revenue or profit, loss of opportunity, loss or destruction of data and in general any kind of damage or loss related to the access or use of mytravel.biz and the possible services provided through it.

European Regional Development Fund